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Diabetic? Forget pills, pop almonds

Diabetes is caused when there is deficiency of insulin hormone, which controls blood sugar level. Its symptoms include fatigue, excessive thirst and frequent urination.

"With an estimated 50.8 million people living with the disease, India has the world's largest population of diabetics in the world, followed by China with 43.2 million," says the World Health Organisation(WHO).

The number in India is expected to go up to 87 million - 8.4 per cent of the country's adult population - by 2030.

With India staring at a major public health threat due to diabetes and other lifestyle diseases, almond is now being hailed as the health nut.

"Indians are more prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes. The increasingly sedentary lifestyle and fast food double up the risk. Almond, which has traditionally been part of our diet, is a high source of nutrition and helps push these diseases away," says Snoop Misran, director of Diabetes Foundation (India).

"A handful of almonds contain 164 calories and 7 gm. of protein, which helps in fighting hunger pangs and helps you control what you eat. Almonds also help growing children in developing strong bones," he adds.

A study done by scholars from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, West Chester University, Pennsylvania, and Loma Linda University of California, all in the US, and published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition also confirms that the nut can control diabetes if consumed regularly.

"A diet consisting of 20 per cent of calories as almonds over a 16-week period is effective in improving markers of insulin sensitivity and yields clinically significant improvements in LDL-C (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) in adults with pre-diabetes," the study said.

Category: Health-Fitness

Spectacles go chic!

"Not so long ago, glasses were seen primarily as a medical aid rather than a stylish accessory," the Scotsman quoted Bryan Margate of Vision Express, as saying.

"It is encouraging to see that the introduction of style has had a huge and positive impact on people's perceptions. There is a real sense that eyewear can boost your confidence and your desirability today – both to potential partners and to potential employers. The world has turned on its head in the last ten years and the message is that rather than being a hindrance, glasses are in fact a clear advantage," he added.

The study showed that 53 per cent of glasses-wearing women aged 18 to 44 had received amorous approaches from men.

Here's how to match frames with different face shapes:

Oval : The oval face is considered the ideal shape because of its balanced proportions and because it's the standard of beauty. Therefore it is perhaps the easiest to choose frames for. To keep the oval's natural balance, look for spectacle frames / glasses that are as wide as the broadest part of the face or walnut-shaped spectacle frames that are not too deep or too narrow. Almost any style is suitable; round, oval, angular or upswept.

Round : A round face has curvilinear lines with the width and length in the same proportions and no angles. To make the face appear thinner and longer, try angular narrow spectacle frames / glasses to lengthen the face. Choose spectacle frames / glasses that are distinctive, square with designs that accentuate the upper part of face. Look for frames with high temples.

Square : A square face has a strong jawline and a broad forehead. The width and length are in the same proportions. To make the square face look longer and soften the angles, try narrow, soft round or large ovals spectacle frames / glasses styles, spectacle frames / glasses that have more width than depth and narrow ovals.

Long face : A long face is characterised by high cheek-bones, a deep forehead and a strongly defined sharp chin line. This shape can benefit from enhancing the width of the face so try wide, large framed glasses in oval or round styles.

Category: Fashion , lifestyle , Women

Sex during pregnancy

My wife is three months pregnant. Is it okay for us to have sex? I feel embarrassed to ask our family doctor. We are avoiding sexual contact; but I do feel the urge for sex. What do we do?

This is one of the most common questions posed by couples expecting their first child. Their lack of knowledge regarding the correct method, timing and frequency cause varied misconceptions and at times, a total withdrawal from sex. This often backfires, as the woman, owing to her psychological state and emotional needs, fails to understand the behavioural changes in her partner. Here's what to expect.

Emotions on high

During pregnancy, a woman's mental make-up undergoes a dramatic change. She becomes emotional and sometimes oversensitive. The way her needs are acknowledged (or dismissed) affects her mental state and thereby the foetus as well. If she feels that her husband is not adequately responsive, she may get irritable, and suffer from insomnia,loss of appetite or over-stimulated hunger.

Most men are unaware that their behaviour often causes these emotional upheavals. Many take the easy way out and take their wife to the doctor, without realising that she simply needs her husband to understand her moods, feelings and anxieties.

Discrepancy in sex drives

The changes taking place in the mother-to-be are part of her biological make-up. Hormonal and chemical changes prepare her for conception, pregnancy and childbearing. The awareness that she is pregnant creates new aspirations and sexual relations go down the priority ladder. There is, however, no such biological change in the man. He needs to make himself aware of the physical and emotional demands of fatherhood, but continues to feel the urge for intercourse. In such a situation, it is essential that he does not force this one-sided need on his pregnant wife.

For intercourse

Though a woman may not have strong sexual urges, she does need warm and gentle physical contact and caressing. In the process, if she is aroused and willing, they can have intercourse too. However...

- Avoid the missionary (man-superior) position. Woman on top position is advisable, or they both could be in a sitting position, so that there is no pressure on her abdomen and that movement is gentle.

Category: Relationships

Parents responsible for kid's bad behaviour

A child's bad or erratic behaviour in the classroom can be attributed to his or her parents a study has found.
A survey of over 8,000 members by the NASUWT Teachers Union found that more than two in three teachers identified poor back-up from parents as the most common factor for student misbehavior.
The negative influences of television and media were also blamed by teachers.
"Parents can't simply abandon their responsibilities at the school gate," BBC quoted NASUWT leader, Chris Keates, as saying.
"Teachers are not receiving the support they need from parents, school leaders or government to assist them in maintaining high standards of pupil behaviour," Keates added.

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Category: Parenting , Relationships

Parents, key to keep teens off alcohol

Parents can play an important role in preventing teenagers from consuming large quantities of alcohol, according to a new thesis.

It said that adolescents who smoke, stay out with their friends and have access to alcohol - from their parents, for example - when they are as young as 13 are at greater risk of becoming binge drinkers in their late teens.

"Initiatives that focus on strengthening the parent-child relationship and limiting parental provision of alcohol can prove effective in limiting risky consumption among adolescents," said Anna-Karin Danielson from the Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolina Instituted.

"Parents also play an important role when it comes to teaching young people how to resist peer pressure to drink," she added.

Danielson monitored 1,200 pupils aged 13 to 19 years between 2001 and 2006, and investigated which factors can reduce the risk of high alcohol consumption (protective factors) and which constitute risk factors.

The results showed that adolescents exhibiting risky behaviour in their early teens need help quickly as they are at greater risk of high consumption in the future, and of associated problems with their health, school, parents and friends, for example. This is where parental input can make all the difference.

"But boys and girls are slightly different," said Danielson.

"The risk of high alcohol consumption among boys who smoke and who have friends who drink is considerably reduced when parents keep an eye on what teenagers get up to, and with whom. Whereas girls in the risk zone benefit most from an emotionally stable and close parent-child relationship in terms of protective effect," she added.

Category: Parenting , Relationships

Groom yourself for college life

Making the transition from school to college is filled with anxiety. Aisha Sahijwala gives you tips on grooming yourself for the much-talked-about college life
"Since high school, I anxiously waited to enter college - a place filled with fun, freedom and of course, education," recalls Simran Gupta, a class XII student of Mithibai College. A number of individual perceptions are linked to campus life. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most impressionable phases of student life. Today, students leave no stone unturned when preparing for college. Here are some tips that ensure a safe sail, when joining college.

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The D-day

Most youngsters imagine vivid pictures of what their first day at college could be like. Friends, fun, lectures, books, libraries, blacklists and a host of good memories make place in the minds of young collegians. No matter how far the college attempts to make a fresher feel comfortable, it is ultimately freshers who need to gel with the crowd.
"My first day at college was confusing; I was lost among the crowd. Since I was new to the city, little did I know about college life in Mumbai. Probably that's what helped me make the best of friends at college," expresses Vinay Naik, a class 12 student. Your first day at college is what you make it to be. It is usually a combination of figuring out what division you fit into and who your batch mates are. When asked what you would do on your first day at college, Rhea Hirani, who is currently awaiting her SSC exam result says, "I want to study at HR College. My exploring expedition will begin at the college canteen. I've heard that it's got the yummiest of delicacies," she quips.

A whole new world

The new trend among students is that of getting a new wardrobe. No longer will they wear their old set of clothes and carry their same handbags. Initially believed as a trend followed by girls, it is now proved that boys too, prepare just as much. Rohit Arora, who just gave his class XII exam says, "Of course guys prepare for their first day at college. I remember shopping two months before college started. The same happened a year later. I practically changed my wardrobe twice."
College life begins way before you actually enter college. Preparing for admissions, filling forms, buying new accessories, clothes and diaries mark the beginning of your college life. The secret behind a number of blooming shopping hubs around colleges is revealed; ever increasing student crowd being the key.
Khushboo Khilnani, a KC College student quips, "I cannot count the number of times I have visited gift shops in the college vicinity. Whether it's a birthday or friendships day, our one stop gift shop is Satyam Collections. Infact, students are seen more at gift shops than in college. It's a phase actually. Initially, it's only about fun. Gradually, studies, projects and attending lectures come in."

This, that and all that

Apart from preparing for your days at college, the new highlight is that of increasing student clubs. The Rotract Club, Students Council, Language clubs and College fest clubs eagerly welcome new talent. Staying back for practice, breath-taking intercollegiate fests, convincing sponsors and a lot more combine practical learning and fun.
Whether you're prepared or not, your first day at college will be memorable. It's a race... beginning with a get-set-go! A combination of anxiety, curiosity and excitement await you! Go... experience this, that and all that!

Category: Parenting , Relationships

Childhood stress accelerates cell ageing

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Researchers claim that stress suffered during childhood has deeper implications, which show at a later stage.
According to a study of children from Romanian orphanages, the effects of childhood stress could be visible in the DNA on growing up, reports Nature .
It is now proved that children who spent their early years in state-run Romanian orphanages have shorter telomeres than the ones who grew up in foster families.
Biologically, telomeres get slightly shorter each time a chromosome replicates during cell division. However, it has now emerged that stress may also result in their shortening.
Resultantly, shorter telomeres may propel diseases in adults ranging from diabetes to dementia.
The study was initiated at a time when orphanages were still common in Romania and a foster care system was especially established for this project.
Researchers analysed 136 orphans aged between 6-30 months, half of whom were assigned to foster families and the other half remained in orphanages.
They measured the length of the telomeres from DNA samples of the children when they were 6-10 years old and found that kids who stayed in the orphanage for longer had shorter telomeres compared to their peers in foster care.
"It shows that being in institutional care affects children right down to the molecular level," said Stacy Drury, clinical psychiatrist of Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The study is published in Molecular Psychiatry1 .

Category: Health-Fitness , lifestyle

Five ageing myths busted

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Don't give into the wave of time and sit back to watch the grey grow. Fight it like a man
Hanging up your dumbbells as soon as you turn 40? Confident that you won't lose hair cause your maternal grandfather could sponsor a toupee at the age of 90? Stop in your tracks right now. Here are a few myths about ageing that you should know aren't true.

No. 5: It gets harder to lose weight

Busted! Though metabolism rate might dip as you get older, you can't blame it for failing to shift the kilos. You need to switch to a low-fat or low-calorie diet to lose weight effectively. Even a low-sodium diet can help you shed kilos because it increases water retention. If everything else is in order, talk to your doctor about the medication you are on. Often medicines prescribed to older adults cause weight gain. Seek alternatives in consultation with your doc.

No 4. Gel makes me lose hair

Abusing hair products such as gel, hairspray, mousse, wax and the like can alter hair texture, but are not entirely responsible for hairloss. Hair growth is dictated by hair follicles; and since hair products coat the hair shaft and do not penetrate the scalp, they can't interfere with hair growth. However, for long-term health of your mane and scalp, go easy on these products.

No.3: mom's genes design male pattern baldness

You can't blame this one on your mother, like you do your poor cooking skills. Baldness is a hereditary trait both parents have an equal hand in. If you want to envision your baldness in advance, take a close look at both sets of grandparents and then hope you were adopted.

No. 2: I should switch to low-intensity work-outs

Don't make age an excuse to grow old in front of the TV with a bag of chips. Any form of activity is good for every age and not exercising is more likely to damage your health than working out. Vigorous exercise will improve cardio-vascular functioning and help prevent heart attacks, and other diseases, such as diabetes, that come with extra kilos. If you do suffer from an existing condition, consult a personal trainer to tailor-make a routine for you.

No. 1: I will age like my parents

While you parents' genes may have provided a blue print for ageing, you life circumstances - where you live, diet, exercise determine your particular aging process. What your parents gave you will affect only tissue degeneration throughout your body, while external factors exert a far more massive influence.
This means you are more in control than you think. So wear sunscreen, walk in the shade, eat healthy, get off the couch and spend some time outdoors getting fresh air.

Category: Health-Fitness

Kitchen, the best place for romance?

A new survey has found that couples like to romance in the kitchen. According to the poll, 44 percent of people admitted to sharing “intimate moments” with partners in the kitchen, with almost one in 10 saying it happens at least once a week.
And it’s not just newlyweds getting hot and heavy on the stove top, as one third of couples, who have been together 15 years or more, reported they still found time to get amorous while cooking dinner.
The poll of more than 1000 Australians found 53 percent of respondents revealing that the best way to get in the mood for romance is to share a home-cooked meal.
CoupleRelationships expert Emma Merkas said that food had been an aphrodisiac for centuries.
“I think shows like MasterChef have increased interest in home cooking and created an expectation among women that men should be able to get involved too, instead of just leaving it to their partner,” quoted her as saying.
Ninety percent of The Electrolux Passion For Food Survey respondents said a partner’s ability to cook was important with six out of 10 women wanting a male whiz in the kitchen.
The traditional roast topped the list of favourite meals for romancing, followed by seafood and steak with decadent chocolate pudding the ultimate dessert.

Category: Relationships

Women prefer gaming to sex

Women play computer games just as much as men, with many saying they enjoy gaming than those who admitted they enjoy sex, according to a new survey. According to the study carried out by Doritos, women spend even more time glued to their screens than their male counterparts. While 50 percent of men readily admit to frequent online gaming, a surprising 49 percent of women confess that they too are addicted to Internet games.
And while men spend 22.3 percent of their time online playing games, women trump them, whiling away 23.2 percent of their time online playing games.

Revealingly, the study showed that not only are women just as keen on gaming as men - but that the majority would rather spend time playing on their gadgets than having sex, reports the Daily Mail.
Worryingly, one in five even admitted to regularly gaming in bed.

The study also found that female gamers would rather play online games than go shopping.

Relationship experts have warned that addiction to gaming could isolate us from our friends and partners, leading to problems.
They said that even if a couple share the passion for gaming, there''s no doubt that with both parties turning their focus to virtual reality, a real-life bond could be harmed.

“I call it being ‘together alone’,” said relationship therapist Douglas Weiss.

“These days, people are on their mobiles at dinner; they spend hours on the computer or watching TV; and they are more connected to their Facebook friends than to the person they promised to love and cherish until death do them part,” he said.

“Technology is interrupting our relationships and allowing us to avoid each other. It has become a way of avoiding real relationships and intimacy,” he added.

Category: Relationships

Picking a hair colour for 2011


pick choose 2011 hair color

Before we discuss the year's hair colors it's first important to discuss a the year's rule.

The rule for 2011

2011 is not just a new year, it's a new decade, and new decades bring more than just slight change, they bring about an entirely new generation of thought. It's a case of out with the old and in with the new, and such a mindset is applied to everything from society's outlook to the aesthetic styles it embraces.

This new decade will be no different. The most dominant clothing trend of the last decade, military fashion, is finally being pushed to the back of the wardrobe. And hair colors are undergoing a major change too.

You may read that and be under the impression that 2011, and the rest of the new decade, is a period of wild hair colors. That's not what we're saying at all. Clothing trends may become more liberal, but it's not the same for hair. In fact, the change leads to just one rule. It's the rule for picking your hair color in 2011 and for many of the years to come. And that rule is thus:

Just change it.

Yes, it's almost cliche to write it, and somewhere a Nike lawyer is checking to see if we've just infringed their trademark. I confess though, cliches are easy to remember and when you're picking your new hair color for the year I want you to remember that one rule. Again, just change it. Pick a color that suits you, one that gives you confidence, make it a shade that's on trend, and go make that hair color your own.

The inspiration

Where has the inspiration for the "just change it" rule come from I hear you ask. While the start of a new decade inspires change, there are also those people driving the idea of simply changing your hair color as a trend in itself.

Let us explore.

Abbey Lee Kershaw

abbey lee kershaw hair

Abbey Lee Kershaw was the first top tier model to change her hair. One day she was sporting a mousy-brown hair color, the next day we were hearing stories of her 8 hour conversion into a near-platinum blonde. Abbey Lee had "just changed it" - well, just is an overstatement. It would have been a carefully considered change. One made to redefine her. To set her apart. Give her a point of difference. It's, thus, a hair change you should take inspiration from.

abbey lee kershaw hair color by Ed Kavishe, Fashion Wire Press

Natasha Poly

natasha poly hair color

Abbey Lee's change neatly segues into a change of hair color undertaken by another top model. Natasha Poly had a hair colour that complimented her Russian looks and infinite legs. She is the perfect blonde, or at least she was. Then someone at her agency decided she needed a new look for the new year. A different look that set her apart from a sea of other leggy blondes and made her feel fresh again.

So it was that our top model of 2009 cast off the dark-rooted blonde hair that she'd become known for and became a richly colored brunette in entirety.

natasha poly brown hair

Eniko Mihalik

eniko mihalik hair

Eniko Mihalik has a very rare quality - one moment she can offer up a cute-as-a-button smile, only to follow it up with a look of such sexual confidence that men have been rumoured to fall to their feet. And yet prior to 2011 she'd been a brunette; all well and good for cute-Eniko, but a plain brunette hair color has never quite driven home the sexuality confidence she can ooze and brings in so much of her work as a result.

What to do with her hair for the new year then? Compliment her bombshell attitude with bombshell red hair.

eniko mihalik hair

Lily Cole

lily cole hair

Eniko's hair color change is the most personality suited we've looked at so far, with Abbey Lee's and Natasha's seeming far more dramatic. Dramatic, however, is Lily Cole. Despite so many women now coveting the right shade of red hair, 2011 is the year to change, and change it Lily has transforming her trademark red locks to a very deep brown with eyebrows to match.

Bonus point of inspiration: Lily's fringe. The fringe is back with vengeance for 2011.

lily cole dark hair

Category: lifestyle , Women

Hugs keep marriage strong and happy

Do you think that not having sex with your partner is a sign of a troubled relationship? Well, its not. A new research has indicated that the frequency of cuddling is a far better indicator of the strength of a relationship than having sex.
“Cuddling provides not just sensual pleasure, but also a feeling of comfort, security and companionship, all of which are just as important to a relationship as sex,” the Daily Mail quoted Paula Hall, relationship expert for online dating service Parship, as saying.
In fact, maintaining an intimate connection without the wild abandon of the hormonal early days can be vital for a happy relationship.
Couple“The advantage of non-sexual intimacy is that couples often use this time together to talk about their emotional lives,” said Hall.
“Whereas when sex is their only way of getting close, couples who find emotional openness difficult often rely on making love to help them connect. They can find themselves missing out on other levels of intimacy,” added Hall.
If sex is the focus, it can mean that emotional problems are never discussed — whereas non-sexual touching, such as cuddling and stroking, encourages more relaxed bonding and intimate conversation, due in large part to the crucial “cuddle hormone” oxytocin.
“Oxytocin is produced by touch and, as well as making us feel good, it also inspires us to touch more,” said Hall.
“That means that the more you touch, the closer you feel and the more you want to touch,” she added.

Category: Relationships

2011 hairstyle Trends: Double hair knot

When it comes to the year's fashion trends a lot of 2011 will focus on embellished, quality details - it won't be exactly the same for 2011 hairstyles, however. Quality, yes. Embellishment, not always. 2011 won't be a year in which hair trends are based around adornments and accessories - yes, there'll be headbands, but there'll be a larger push towards styles that are au naturel. And amongst those styles will be the double hair knot.

double knot hairstyle

What is a double hair knot?

Taking the lead from last year's hairstyles, the double hair knot continues the infatuation with styles that seem effortless - think the plaited and braided hairstyles that have been so popular for more then 12 months, simplify, and you have the double hair knot.

Like the topsy tail hairstyle of years gone by, the double hair knot sits roughly at the nape of the neck or a little higher. The style also works as a single knot - but by knotting the hair twice the effect is more interesting, and easier to secure.

double knot sideA side view of the hair style as featured on Michael Kors' S/S '11 catwalk via Hanneli.

How to style it

Though a hairstyle suited to the entire year, the style of double hair knot you're seeing in the pictures are best suited to spring / summer 2011. Styled by Orlando Pita for the Michael Kors catwalk, the summer influence comes courtesy of a desire to have fuse urban hairstyle with the feel that its wearer has "been out at the beach all day."

To capture the summer interpretation of the double hair knot, the simplest of instructions are as follows:

  1. First, spritz the hair all over with a sea-salt spray (Orlando Pita used Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray)
  2. Next, scrunch the hair into bunches while drying to add waves and texture
  3. Pull a thick section of hair out at the front, sweeping it into a deep side part
  4. Finally, take back two sections of hair and tie into a knot - then again into a double knot

For a take on the style that is suited to autumn / fall or winter, play down the beachy-ness by making the hair smoother and a little less textured. Try replacing the sea-spray with a volumizer and keeping the hair in place with a little hairspray.

 double knot blonde

Category: lifestyle , Women

2011 Hairstyle Trends:Waved bob hairstyle

As the longer bob creeps its way into our 2011 hair trends guide, the question starts to arise: if you go down the path of a shoulder-length bob, how do you keep it interesting and varied? Most of the examples we've seen have leaned to straight, or with a modern take on the 70s-glam blow wave. But here's another trend that's arising as a result of 2011's shoulder-scraping cut: the waved bob.

caitlin stasey afi

With the bob in 2011 being generally longer and softer, it's much easier to pull off a waved style with it. While 40s-inspired pin curls are one option, here's one that's more suited to everyday. A casual, textured, beachy wave.

How to create the waved bob

We caught up with ghd at the 2011 AFI Awards as they created a beachy wave on actress Caitlin Stasey. Here are the steps from Heading Out Hair's Caterina DiBiase, working exclusively with ghd, for how you can recreate the style.

  1. Work in ghd Maximise Mousse all through the hair, then dry in.
  2. Section off the hair then use your ghd Salon Styler to create some loose, semi-curls (they need to have bend, but not be fully curly). Start curling a few inches down from the roots.
  3. Spray the hair with ghd Sea Spray to create a relaxed, beachy texture.
  4. Finally, blast the hair with a hair dryer to break it up.

Caitlin Stasey hair

The key to the look in 2011 is not to overdo the curls - the more relaxed and understated, the better.

Category: lifestyle